Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I'm ready for my close up....

Well, technically, I've already had my close up... the NCIS episode aired last night and I spent the next few hours fielding phone calls and texts and Facebook...

Yep... That's me looking threatening and slightly cadaverous.  (And why do my ears look so bloody HUGE?)  

In case you missed it, they thought I had a gun and i didn't... And all in close up and some slo motion, and it was less than 30 seconds, but it was a really important 30 seconds.  And I did pretty dang good if I say so myself... 
And now I can see why they were worried about me being recognised from episode to episode cause my face was all up in it.

Now... if I can just convince the people on the street that it's traditional, or good luck, or something to hand money to people you recognise from TV, (and yes, I've had a few already) then I'd be all

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