Friday, September 12, 2014

And I've been meaning to tell ya'all... little Goth Bob is enjoying NOLA immensely.  As far as he's concerned, he's returned to the motherland...


  1. Goth Bob does look to be enjoying himself. Cheers!

  2. Hey Bob! You are looking right at home there! Take good care of your Papa!!!!!

  3. Anonymous12:44 PM


    How good it is to see and read that “LGB” is well and happily making the adjustment to a new city, bless his little goth heart.

    Sorry to see that you have to deal with, for the sake of pleasantries’, an “unorganized” front desk, but was glad you were able to prove your claim and clear up the matter, which you should not have to have done. The cinque in me wonders how many times they try pulling this stunt on guests.

    As for housekeeping, guess they need Anthony Melchiorri from Hotel Impossible to pay them a visit.

    Luck with the job lead and hoping you are soon posting about a secured position and a new residence for yourself and LGB. Take care. – gary
