hello... really just checking in. The truck had to go into the shop yesterday... nothing major. But when you have a really good mechanic, there's almost no chance of getting anything done on the weekend, so I took it in yesterday and took today off... Wednesday is the slowest delivery day anyway... But since I didn't have to work today, I went ahead and had a beatnik night last night. This consists of drinking red wine and listening to jazz... Now, not enough wine to get drunk by any means, but some red wines have a tendency of giving me a headache the next day even if I've only had one glass, so, as much as I like it, I make sure that I don't have anything to do the next day. Didn't have to worry about it though, no headache today, so that one goes on my list of 'safe' wines.
Had a surprise freeze last night, it wasn't supposed to get that cold. Fortunately, most of my plants are in protected areas, but I think I lost a couple... we'll see...
And I'm off driving tomorrow...
The Great Chayote Squash Growing Experiment, Part 4,768
Here we go again! I convinced a very nice lady from Louisiana to mail four
mirlitons to me in Albuquerque a few weeks ago. They arrived with roots and
2 days ago
I haven't moved my potted cacti into a more protected area yet. I move them out into the sun in late October, and they will stay there until the temperature drops to below 40. It's getting close! I have been thinking about getting a small greenhouse to put them in for the winter months only. That way I would only have to move them out in very late spring. I don't want to get any utilities--just a frost shelter.