Torch Aloe, San Francisco
Good afternoon, San Francisco! Aloe arborescens in bloom up on the
Salesforce Park Our AI overlords want you to know this: Torch aloe, also
known as Aloe...
Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS
*Comet C/2023 A3 (cafuego. Wikimedia Commons)*
Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS has been visible in the evening for me
for the past week or so. It's in...
Power Lines
Today, my morning walk found me thinking of power lines.
I see them every day on my drive to work. I grew up knowing they were
essential to keeping th...
Sedum: Stonecrop
Confessions of forager: In a general sense I have known for many years
that “Stonecrops” were edible. I avoided them as they were usually
associated by ...
Inside The Eye Of My Hurricane
I'm still here. I'm still alive. Just took a break from Las Aventuras for
There's a sharper edge. A sense of direction. A sense of hope. ...
Bulbs in Crates
With a break from our chilly February temps this past weekend, I made it my
mission to finish planting the last stash of bulbs, which have been
taunting ...
Neighborhood Oct 2018
The changing seasons of NC have kept me from longing for the Beautiful AZ
sunset/sunrises that I so loved. I’m still in awe of the beauty of the
color c...
Anthurium no. 1733 "Jayyvon Monroe"
Jayyvon isn't doing anything bizarre that needs explanation like 1332
Alexis Gabrielle Sherrington or 1715 Tyler Linoleum; I'm giving him a post
anyway bec...
Camera Things (Part 1)
Man...It's be like forever - almost 2 years, really - since I've done a
blog entry. There's been a Sunshine Community Garden plant sale and
everything (sp...
The Gulf Between (Us)
Peanut has bid this world adieu Ode on the death of a favorite cat
Thomas Gray
Twas on a lofty vase’s side,
Where China’s gayest art had dyed
The az...
Still around!
Still painting a bit, still pregnant. :-) Something pretty exciting
happened on the amaryllis front: two of the bulbs did, indeed, bloom. The
flowers are d...
Succulent Extravaganza 2016
Holy cow Candy is writing a blog post. Where have I been and what have I
been doing? Well, lots of health problems and family issues have kept me
away. ...
Jam’en At Fox Paw, Literally …
Yesterday “The Jim” and I both had the day off, well from the day jobs
anyway. So “The Jim” got it in his head that it would be a perfect day to
harvest ...
Time To Say Goodbye
My husband has not been well for quite some time, and is now unable to do
much at all. He needs a lot of care, so needless to say, trying to
maintain ...
It takes two to tango!
You know that life is chugging back to its wonderful old leisurely pace
when things start happening the way they used to happen. Finally I have
been abl...
Monsanto's GM Drought Tolerant Corn
DroughtGardTM maize will be the first commercially available transgenic
(GM) drought tolerant crop if it's released in 2013 as planned. Hybrid seed
sold u...
Although the last few days have been a bit wet, this summer has been quite
warm for Calgary. Most of my seeds have already sprouted. I'm still
waiting on...
Merry Christmas Claude
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!!!!!Cats are cute!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you and your family, Claude!
ReplyDeleteAnd Merry Christmas to you too!