Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The top one is wild mustard... I think. The bottom is henbit, or maybe chickweed... I'm not sure to be truthful. I know that if I see it in my yard I attack it with a frenzy, but out in a field it's kinda cool...
Work finally more or less petered out for the week. Nothing will be happening tomorrow, so I won't be working... and I won't be going out for New Years Eve... I worked in too many bars to even find it amusing.
We used to call in Amateur Night. People who, under normal circumstances couldn't bring themselves to choke down so much as a glass of wine will show up on New Years Eve and get absolutely smashed. Something about the ongoing stress of the holiday season I'm sure, but after you've spent a few years pouring people into cabs, well - the thrill is gone.
I'll stay home and eat Cabbage & taters with some smoked pork... and baked black-eyed peas. And since the oven will be on, might as well make some corn bread... That oughta satisfy all my ancestral requirements.
Was actually going to take some pics yesterday, when I realized that I didn't have my dang memory card in the camera. But today, I have my memory card. And three novels in my truck... I always try to keep something to read in my truck. What you need is something that will hold your attention, help you pass the time, but is still fairly easy to read. If it's set among people you don't run into everyday of your life, it might actually teach you something, but that's not a big priority. Literature is for reading at home, when you have time to really think... these books are for reading in fast-food joints and parks when you have 20 or 30 minutes to waste.
Murder mysteries are best. Barbara Michaels has found a great balance of spooky mystery, with enough romance to keep the ladies interested without making the guys squirm in their seats, and enough action to keep the guys happy, but not so intense that it makes the ladies disgusted. Jonathan Kellerman writes psychological thrillers that are often based in the Jewish Comunity, Tony Hillerman (who recently passed away) wrote mysteries set in the Southwest involving Native American characters... from both I've learned something about two cultures I wouldn't normally come that much in contact with. Don't get me wrong, I don't know enough to say I really know the cultures, but I know enough to not embarass myself with stupid questions...
Yesterday in the doldrums, I wandered into a thrift store. Particularly looking for jeans. I end up in warehouses all over, and it's a little hard on pants, I'm always looking for jeans. Preferably black denim. They look good with the uniform shirt and don't show the dirt as bad... and I found a bunch of used paperbacks. Start looking through them, and the lady that worked there says... "Oh, those are all black novels... " I say, OK and keep looking.
They're a sub-genre of fiction written for African-Americans by African-Americans. Now I've certainly read black authors before. I'm actually a pretty big Maya Anjelou fan. And I've certainly read novels with black characters, but looking back, they were usually written by white authors. It might be interesting to read these. But I've not read the paperback fiction before. I found two murder mysteries, and a novel about a woman who cleaned up after heroin addiction, married well and is now widowed and trying to raise two children and keep them off the streets... it promises to be a soap opera but it might be interesting.
So I bought 2 pairs of jeans and 3 books, Much to the amazment of the lady working there... I want to send her a letter... rule one in customer service, don't wrinkle your nose at the customer like he might be insane and you're afraid it's catching. I probably won't go back there... but quite frankly, annoying her yesterday really kind of made my day.
And this post is certainly not typical of me... and I don't know exactly what my point is... but I was sitting here typing and this came out, so here we are...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
There's a buddha in my pocket...
Then we went to dinner and decided to visit the HUGE Half-Price Book Store in Dallas. It's the big, main store of the chain, and no matter what you're looking for in the way of printed material, you can probably find it there. But one thing I did find was this... a Pocket Buddha!
Cute little guy... he is a happiness Buddha. He certainly made me happy, it's strange how a little plastic figure less than 2 inches tall can amuse you so much...
there are six different ones... Harmony, Peace, Wisdom, Love, Happiness and Faith.
I hope his presence on my blog spreads a little happiness around... a little extra happiness is a good thing. I'll probably set him with Little Gothic Bob, or maybe I'll find a little spot on the dash of the truck for him.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
This week...

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Finally, some pics...
So, when I was driving through Mansfield today, I saw two red-tailed hawks sitting in a tree... they were this years fledglings, which is probably why they were sitting together... Usually hawks are pretty solitary birds... I stopped, but one flew off and I got this pic...
Sorry that the pics aren't great!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
a new week ahead...

Thursday, December 11, 2008
well shoot...
So, I called Triple A, and they said they'd send a tow... even though I was going to have to pay for it because I've used all my free ones. Then they said they'd be sending someone from Imperial Towing. In 20 minutes, a little pick-up truck shows up, and I'm thinking "there is no way that little toyota is going to tow me anywhere..." It turns out that the tow truck was a little far away to get there quickly, so they sent this guy... he was a diagnostician and he was there to see if we could get the truck started so I wouldn't need towed... (I'd still have to pay the service fee, but I would save the milage on the tow...) so I tell him what I think is wrong and how it's acting, then he pops the hood, crawls under the truck, grabs a bunch of tools and equipment from his truck, and after checking everything thoroughly, announces that I will definitely need a tow because the fuel pump just plain ain't working, and there's no way we can get it started.
I was impressed. I now know exactly what's wrong, (it's what I suspected, but now I'm SURE) which makes dealing with a mechanic much easier, but he was trying to save me some cash and his company some diesel fuel by helping me avoid the tow... then he called on his radio, announced the tow guy would be there in 30 minutes and asked me if I wanted anything while I was waiting... all very polite. Gave me a business card if I needed to contact him and took off to help somebody else.
Then the tow guy shows up, and he starts in on the same thing, seeing if we Really NEED a tow. I told him the other guy was already there and that the fuel pump was kaput. So he loaded the truck, I jumped in the cab, he reached behind the seat and handed me a bottle of water, then towed me to the mechanic... I've ran into a lot of tow guys over the years and I have to say that the guys at Imperial Towing know their stuff and have the whole concept of service industry down... If you're ever in the Dallas - Fort Worth area and need a tow, these are the guys to call...
anyway, not much else today...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
nothing much...
Had a surprise freeze last night, it wasn't supposed to get that cold. Fortunately, most of my plants are in protected areas, but I think I lost a couple... we'll see...
And I'm off driving tomorrow...
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The store...
Not too impressive, huh?
Friday, December 05, 2008

Anyway, this week is finally over. Not a good week at all... just way slow. I'm afraid that with the economy like it is, everything is slowing down. I'm not doing any more document jobs, documents are now e-mailed or faxed. It used to be on Fridays, I delivered payrolls... but now the accountant sends a file through e-mail and they plug it in and print the checks on site. So, I'm running around doing shlock work.
and not terribly much of that...
In all honestly, courier work is what you do while you're looking for a job you want. Unfortunately, with the unemployment figures that came out today, I'm not sure that there's going to be an actual job worth having out there. And the people that are hiring, warehouses and such, are going to just lay off after the holiday season. This is not a good time, so I find myself in the position of trying to keep a job that I never really wanted to begin with... and I'm going to stop kvetching now...
Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I managed to lassoo my niece and her fiance and manipulated them into helping me move the flea market stall... with the three of us, we got it all moved and everything displayed in the space of one Sunday! I didn't think it was going to be possible, but it happened.
But then I left without paying the rent, so I dropped by on the way back home from work Monday, and, like a blasted idiot, I left my dispatch radio at the flea market, so I had to miss work today.
So today, I went and picked up my radio, and on the way back I dropped some stuff off at Goodwill. Since I was there anyway, I walked in to see what they had and walked out with some of the best flea market collectables that I've been able to find for a long time... Morrocan hanging candle holders, a 2 ft by 3 ft mirror in a hand-carved wooden frame, Danish Modern teapots... the great thing about shopping when you run a flea market is that you don't have to confine yourself to one style... You're not neccesarily looking for things to fit into your own decorating scheme, you're just looking for really great cool looking stuff... and now, I get to spend the rest of the evening cleaning it and pricing it. Joy! (not)
Now the white dove of peace at the top of the page is for the people in India... it just seemed appropriate when I started posting.
And the little cartoon is for all my cactus-loving blogging friends. I've had it forever, and I can't believe I haven't posted it before now...