also known as a mouthful of sweet-tart yummilisciousness...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
now... this is what we're talking about...
also known as a mouthful of sweet-tart yummilisciousness...
Prickly Pear Jelly begins...
You start with fruit on the cactus...
then you pick you a bunch of them... I picked over twice what you need for a batch of jelly... you don't actually need many, about a quart, but I always make extra juice... you can freeze it in 2 1/2 cup bricks to make a batch later.
The color of the inside of the fruit is so amazing... it always surprises me, even though I've cut hundreds of these things open in my life, that magenta is always a shock...
halved, covered in water, they'll be brought to a boil then cooked till tender. This is absolutely necessary to extract all the flavor and goodness...
And now, the fruit is in a jelly bag, dripping juice into a bowl... which I would have took a pic of, but quite frankly, it ain't interesting...
As my regulars here know, my Mother passed away recently. I'm actually dealing with it well, but Thanksgiving was a bit of a downer... all my normal holiday rituals and routines just went out the door.
I was lucky in that my 'adopted' family made sure I didn't spend it alone. I had my turkey day with Robert & Grace, their three grown daughters - who grew up calling me uncle and my mother 'Grandma,' - their husbands and a whole passel of kids...
I took a batch of pumpkin - cranberry muffins with me.
Of course they told me I didn't have to bring anything because they were raised right.
And, of course, I had to bring something because I was raised right.
It's one of those Southern catch-22's. We don't worry about it, we just live with it...
Anyway, it's one of my uber-simple recipes... take a can of pumpkin, a yellow cake mix and a bag of dried cranberries. Mix them together... sprinkle in some cinnamon, bake them in lined cup cake tins at 400 for 18 to 20 minutes.
Surprisingly good....
It occurs to me that I'm going to have to construct my own traditions now.
I think making this jelly, which Mom and I used to make together, will probably become a part of it...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
but, I found this video when I was looking for another one, and it gave me a laugh or two...
This December marks the 10th anniversary of Madeline Kahn's death, but fortunately we have videos and youtube to remember her, and her classy sense of humor.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
quite frankly, I'm entirely too pissed off.
I would like to take this opportunity to make a public announcement...
I have now officially exceeded my maximum load bearing capacity for bovine excrement.
I woke up this morning to find that the truck had been broken into, so I'm off to get repairs in a few minutes... no radio (which I will live without for a few days) no GPS system, which quite frankly has to be replaced as it saves a huge amount of time and effort when I'm working, and a new window...
Unfortunately, the city has, in their infinite wisdom, decided that it would be a great idea to put low cost public housing across the street from my neighborhood. This kind of crap is becoming entirely too common... There are just too many idiot teenagers wandering around with no supervision. I remember being a teenager. A big part of being a teenager is getting away with anything you can. I understand this... but it seems to me that a big part of being a parent should be impressing upon said teenagers that you're not going to get away with certain things...
I have witnessed 15 year old girls having fist-fights in somebodies yard across the street, I have called the cops when I saw a pair of young men going from mailbox to mailbox looking for checks, I have opened my door to find young men begging for money... and I'm ashamed to say that I even placed a bet in the neighborhood pool when a 15 year old girl down the road got pregnant and didn't know exactly which guy the father was... it could have been a white guy, a black guy, or a mexican guy. (No asians, she's evidently a bigot... although I have to say here, that a little discrimination might be a good thing in some situations...) I'm not gonna say which it turned out to be, but I won $20.
Now seriously folks... exactly how much bull is one person expected to take before they pick up a stick and start swinging? Admittedly, it's not been a good year for me, and a lot of this is probably that I'm just tired, but what the hell?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Jelly waiting to happen...
Over the last few years, making Prickly Pear jelly has become a tradition around here. I helped Mom make it the last few years, because she had some problems standing in front of the stove for long periods... but this year, if it's gonna get made, I'm gonna have to do it myself.
Prickly Pear Jelly is a wonderful thing... what it actually tastes like depends on what exact species of opuntia you use. The ones you get at the store don't have a great full flavor, IMO, but these produce a jelly that is deep, glowing magenta in color, and taste much like raspberries and cranberries mixed together.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Just checking in...
I'm doing pretty good actually... Went to have a drink with an old friend that I haven't seen in person for years. We've been talking on facebook though... we went to the historic Belmont Hotel... to have a quick drink... no real chance of having too much to drink though. Hotel bar prices are too much for me... I can highly recommend the hotel though, seriously nice staff, and $109 a night for a wonderfully decorated boutique hotel in a building that's considered a grade A example of 1940's Art Moderne architecture really isn't that bad...
Probably modern, maybe some southwest thrown in... to make the cacti at home.
Monday, November 02, 2009
unknown episcia & drunken voodoo dolls....
Anyway, we'll start with the NOID Episcia... this was given too me as a tiny cutting that had been rooted in water... for far too long. It was kind of ill looking... and I didn't think it was gonna make it.
I planted it in one of those self-watering violet pots. I know, they're absolutely horrifying things, they make plant roots rot, and all cause fungus gnats and there's a whole list of reasons why nurserymen and african violet fanciers will tell you that these are the horticultural equivalent of placing people in the iron maiden... but the fact remains that mom grew lots of african violets, both in these pots and in regular old pots... and the ones in these pots did pretty darned well. Especially if you're asking me to take care of the things, since I water on a cactus schedule rather than a tropical one...