Just busy. And not feeling up to snuff actually. It's the old depression issues popping up again... I keep forcing myself to do things to force my way through it, But my energy levels are so low what energy I have gets used up and I end up exhausted.
But actually I'm OK.
Right now... I was working with one of the interactive street artists. .. basically I put on a plain shirt and invite strangers to paint on it... just stand there "being art" which is ok... but they don't seem to understand that I have to be cleaned up before I can work so I can't do this for hours.
But the tips are good.
And I've been making these silly bags that we're selling at a store down the street...
Heres one in progress... you start with a pair of jeans that was abandoned at the guest house, the more beat up the better, then use the legs to make a purse, sew funky crap on it, line it with a cut up shirt or sheet, and sell it off.
No biggie. And upcycled!
Anyway... that's abput it for now. Later