Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nothing massively impressive...

Just a couple of pics I took between deliveries today.

For some reason this tattered flag against the morning sky struck me as moody or something. Anyway, I liked it, so I took a pic.

And there was a mass of grape hyacynths blooming by the road...
I seriously think that they're self-seeding. They're all over the darned place... by highways and roads and everywhere. Of course, when you're speeding down the highway, you kind of mistake them for Texas bluebonnets, which are just starting to bloom now, and will continue long after these have gone dormant. But the bluebonnets are much larger plants and blooms.


  1. I love grape hyacinths and snowdrops. I want a lawn filled with them. They should die down in time for the first mow.

  2. What awesome grape color!!! Thanks for the ID on the blanket flower(Galliardia). They are so pretty...can't wait to get some!!!

  3. Yeah, I've noticed that grape hyacinths spread like weeds out here in Virginia, too. :I Not sure what's up with that. Though, crocuses are worse..
